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Chasourcing , Australia

Category: Tea

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Level 3/455 George St
Sydney NSW 2000

Sydney, Australia
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Introducing our Dong Ding Oolong tea, a revered Taiwanese tea known for its exquisite taste and unique character. Sourced from the renowned Dong Ding Mountain in Nantou County, Taiwan, our Dong Ding Oolong is crafted from carefully selected leaves that thrive in the region's ideal growing conditions. Our Dong Ding Oolong tea is hand-picked and traditionally processed through a meticulous series of withering, rolling, and partial oxidation steps. This artisanal approach results in tightly rolled leaves that unfurl to reveal a complex flavor profile. The tea offers a delightful balance of floral and fruity notes, with a creamy texture and a lingering, sweet finish. The infusion produces a vibrant, golden amber liquor, showcasing the tea's superior quality and craftsmanship. Rich in antioxidants and beneficial compounds, our Dong Ding Oolong tea not only provides a pleasurable drinking experience but also promotes overall well-being.


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Contact details


Address: Level 3/455 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Phone: +61292837279